Ginkgo Biloba Firming Facial Cream 30gr

IDR 1,072,500.00 IDR 1,040,325.00
30 g
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One of the best moisturizer. Dipake malem cepet nyerap n dipake siang jg ga berat. Cocok bgt utk kulit saya yg kering, bikin lembab. Botol kedua…


udah botol ke-3..bikin kulit oily combination terjaga kelembabannya


One of the best moisturizer. Dipake malem cepet nyerap n dipake siang jg ga berat. Cocok bgt utk kulit saya yg kering, bikin lembab. Botol kedua…


udah purchase ke 3, bikin kulit jadi kenyal dan lembut


untuk saya ini the besttt moisturizer, membuat kulit firm(kenceng), sehat dan tampak cerah. Yg pasti tidak membuat timbulnya jerawat baru Kulit jadi cerah. Cepat meresap. Cocok di kulit berminyak.


I’ve been using this ginkgo biloba firming cream for almost 2 weeks and I realize that my skin has become smoother and supple. It also helps to dissolve fine lines and shrink pimples. Without making my face become oily. I will continue using this for months ahead. It’s worth the price, baby:)