Calendula Soothing Gel 30gr

IDR 594,000.00 IDR 576,180.00
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so gentle to my sensitive skin. love it



Menyesal kenapa pas muka ngga bener langsung ke skin dewi aja. Pricey sih tapi hasilnya beneran. Calendula bener2 calming muka aku pas lagi rewel2nya. Baunya juga enak bangettt ngga ngerti lagi. Kalo ngga inget harga mah layering teruss


Udah gak kehitung berapa botol habis dan selalu re-purchase lagi.. teksturnya cair dan ini menyerap dalam hitungan detik.. cepet bgt.. berguna juga untuk meredakan kemerahan di kulit


cocok pakenya, jerawat ga keluar lagi


Kulit jadi cerah. Cepat meresap. Cocok di kulit kombinasi. Cocok di kulit kering. Cocok di kulit normal. Kemasannya lucu

Fransisca Devita

A great light weight gel that absorbs easily into the skin. This will not work alone as a moisturizer, but perfect when paired with other steps in my skincare routine in the morning,

Dominique Renee M Finance Staff

First time I used this, I was aiming for calming my sensitive, whiteheads yet acne prone skin, due to hormonal imbalance, stress and at some time it got worse. So I decided to take this gel (in mini size first) along with the Temulawak Emulsion. It took some time to eventually calm my skin and all of the whiteheads were gone!
Now I am having the smoothest skin ever!
And I want to use this along with the Emulsion continuously, because to achieve beautiful skin condition requires effort from different aspects, not only depends on skincare, but lifestyle, eating habit are playing important roles as well!
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta

Sarbini mochamad tahir

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