
Skin Dewi sangat membantu saya memperbaiki kulit yg berantakan stl lepas krim dokter. Sekarang kulitku muli sehat dan berkurang jauuuuh jerawatnya. Gak ada rasa perih di kulit. Sekarang tinggal ngilangin bekas2nya. TOP deh skin dewi . Bintang 5 untuk skin dewi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Alhamdulillah... Akhirnya ada yg bisa menyelesaikan permasalahan kulitku.. Dari lepas dokter, aku ganti2 skincare.. sampai akhirnya baca2 ttg skin dewi. Dan mencobaaa.... Yeeeeeeey.... Jerawat mulai berkurang jauh. Tinggal ngilangin bekas2nya. Makasih skin Dewi. Bintang 5 deh buat SkinDewi ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Henny Adriani

What makes me stuck and cant move on from skin dewi? none but their product quality

once saya punya problem at my early thirthy

kulitku jadi ga jelas antara kering dan berminyak yg sebenernya kulitku itu berminyak

and it stressed me out.. harus ganti my regular skin care tp tetep aja nggak ketemu mana yg cocok...

sampai one day saya ktm skin dewi hasil digging di IG

they are organic.. well okay i should try this harusnya organic sangat ramah di kulit dan dari bahan alami jg jadi saya memutuskan coba!

and the result very2 unexpected! kulit ku pelan2 mulai jadi kulit yg normal... acne.. masi ada kalo lagi masa2 mau menstruasi dan pelan2 getting better and better

im very proud of skin dewi they do it wholeheartly to save us hahaha

thanks so so much

success for you all skin dewi staff!


Saya sudah dua bulan memakai skin dewi yg hazelnut, cadendula, dan temulawak. Kondisi kulit saya adalah berminyak dan berjerawat. Awal mula pakai skin dewi, timbul bruntusan banyak bgt daerah kedua pipi.. tapi lama lama aku ngerasa warna kulit aku diperbaharui menjadi lebih baik. Dr merah merah jadi agak bening gt... Suka bgt.. tp beruntusannya masih sih sampai skrng... Mungkin baru dua bln ya makeknya jd blm terlalu kelihatan.. next aku mau coba lagi.. dan mau pakai trus... Yah, ada harga ada hasil.

Natalie Wilson

I was very lucky to try several of products from Skin Dewi. Each one was fabulous. The Raspberry Cleansing Milk was smooth, cleansing and left my skin soft and supple. It removes oil, dirt and makeup really well without striping the skin, I highly recommend it for anyone with dry skin.

The rosehip vitamin C treatment is a gift!! Leaves skin radiant and glowing, smells clean and fresh and leaves a soft feel to skin.

I loved the Avocado body wash. It's soft, cleansing and smells wonderful. The scent is great for absolutely anyone to use and isn't overpowering.

Highly recommended, try these products! You are sure to cherish every one of them.


Kenal skin dewi dr review di salah satu chanel youtube. Jenis muka saya berminyak n jerawat sedang kambuh. Nyoba perawatan laser cm kl ga diiringi dgn pengobatan cream rasanya ga maksimal. Sdh coba bbrp merk dr yg murah smp mahal cm blm ad yg cocok. Akhirnya nyoba thyme blemish gel n dlm wkt seminggu jerawat bner2 membaik, ga kelupas parah apalagi memerah. Lalu krn thyme blemish gel nya works perfectly sy coba yg helichysum brightening vit c treatment dan hasilnya muka halus n ga alergi. Biasanya kl pake vit c muka sy akan bruntusan tp pake skin dewi muka malah glowing. So, tks skin dewi, senang bgt muka sy membaik hy dlm wlt 1 mgg aj. Harga memang sdkt mahal tp sebanding dgn kualitas yg diberikan :)


Pertama tau skin dewi dr review di youtube. Lgs ke website n pesan thyme blemish gelnya. Kulit sy tipe yg very oily n acne prone. Sdh cb perawatan laser n sdkt membaik tp ttp aj hrs diiringi perawatan harian yg baik. Pertama cb pake skin dewi stelah give up dgn beragam acne cream n lotion dr yg murah smp mahal. Stelah 3 hr pemakaian, amazingly jerawat mengering tp tidak smp kelupas parah apalagi memerah. Jerawat yg aktif mengecil n yg plg penting ga bkn muka greasy. Sy pake gel ini siang hr jg utk mencegah jerawat yg srg muncul stlh pake make up n fortunately ga bkn muka berminyak n jerawat ga muncul. Skrg mau cb yg helichrysum vit c treatment utk warna kulit sy yg ga merata gara2 bekas jerawat. Harga memang mahal ya, tp the result is really worthy. So kalo kamu sdh give up dgn beragam obat jerawat yg pernah dicoba, u should try this one. Will give the testimonial again later after i try the vit c treatment :)

Qumaya Hamid, Owner of Amore Skin, Core Package

Nova Lee, Singapore

Scarlett Angkriwan, Toronto - Ontario

he products that I have tried from the the Skin Dewi Organic Skincare Line would be the Oats Cleansing Grains, Hazelnut Cleansing Milk, Peppermint Makeup Remover, Thyme Blemish Gel and Hazelnut Oil-Balancing Emulsion.

I have never tried any cleansers with the same texture as the Oats Cleansing Grains since I have sensitive skin and any form of exfoliators I’ve tried have irritated my skin. This one is unique because it does exfoliate gently, you can feel your skin feeling more fresh and clean, but not over scrubbed. Perfect for daily exfoliation!

The Hazelnut Cleansing Milk is my ultimate favourite cleanser right now, it suits my combination skin type, cleaning my skin thoroughly while still leaving it moisturized and supple. The smell is very soothing too!

I am a huge fan of face oils as a form of make up remover but after trying the peppermint make up remover, I love how it takes off my makeup while leaving my face feeling clean instead of greasy like it usually does from face oils, and moisturized, not dried out- the feeling make up wipes give. Pairs up great with the cleansing milk!

The thyme blemish gel has really helped not only the small bumps and pimples on my face, but also the acne scars which I was not expecting! It really works wonders and does not sting or dry out your skin like some acne products do.

The hazelnut oil-balancing emulsion has definitely done its duty on my skin! It keeps my skin moisturized throughout the day, but not to the point where it feels heavy and pore-clogging. It’s thin enough to be worn under make up and definitely does it’s job.

I love Skin Dewi’s products because it’s my first time trying out 100% organic skin care and I can really see a difference only from 2 weeks of usage!

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