Tips: Financial Management for Monthly Skincare

Who doesn't agree that buying skincare is a mandatory priority every month? Even though our skincare may run out in 2-3 months, buying skincare is one of the things that must be prioritized. Then, is there any tips so that we can always set aside money to buy skincare? There is! Check out the tips below so you don't worry about spending on skincare every month!

1. Buy share in jar

So here's how to try skincare in a very economical way. You don't need to be afraid of losing and if you don't match, you can offer it to other people to try. Who knows it fits.

2. Buy a large size if it is suitable

Who doesn't agree that jumbo size products are actually more economical? So it's better if it's suitable and decide to repurchase from the share in jar version, just buy the big one. You also don't have to worry about running out of contents in the middle of the month.

3. Buy products that are multifunctional

Why the heck, need to buy a multifunctional one? If you buy a multifunctional one, it is more practical in terms of usage and when you will take it everywhere. One example is the Gratitude Massage Oil from Skin Dewi. Can be worn from head to toe!

4. Buy as needed

Yes, you also often don't feel the need to buy a skincare product that is hype or busy being used by influencers? Compared to buying what is necessary, we like to feel the need to buy what we don't need. That's why you really need to understand what the real needs of your skin are. And before buying anything, you should make a list first so you don't get hungry hahaha.

5. Research before buying

Apart from also making a list of what you are going to buy, preferably when looking at your ideal skincare, you also need to research first from ingredients to reviews. This is very important even if you buy share in jar size though. Who wants to lose buying skincare?

6. Monitor promotions diligently

Another way to save on skincare budgets is to be diligent in monitoring promos. Collect vouchers and everything that can save your expenses even more. So, spending on skincare can be easier.




Tips Manajemen Finansial untuk Skincare Bulanan

Siapa yang tak setuju kalau membeli skincare adalah prioritas wajib tiap bulannya? Yaaa, meskipun skincare yang kita punya bisa jadi habis dalam 2-3 bulan, tapi membeli skincare adalah salah satu hal yang harus diutamakan.

Terus, ada nggak sih, tips biar kita bisa selalu menyisihkan uang untuk beli skincare? Ada kok! Simak tips di bawah ini agar kamu nggak khawatir dengan pengeluaran skincare tiap bulannya ya!

1. Beli share in jar
Nah ini dia cara nyobain skincare dengan cara yang sangat ekonomis. Nggak perlu takut rugi dan kalau ternyata kamu nggak cocok pun, bisa menawarkannya ke orang lain untuk coba. Siapa tau cocok. 

2. Beli ukuran besar jika sudah cocok

Siapa sih, yang nggak setuju kalau sebenarnya produk ukuran jumbo itu lebih ekonomis? Makanya mendingan kalau udah cocok dan memutuskan repurchase dari yang versi share in jar, beli aja yang ukuran gede. Kamu juga jadi nggak perlu cemas kehabisan isinya di tengah bulan.

3. Beli produk yang multifungsi

Kenapa sih, perlu beli yang multifungsi? Kalau beli yang multifungsi itu lebih praktis dari segi pemakaian dan ketika akan dibawa ke mana-mana. Salah satu contohnya adalah Gratitude Massage Oil dari Skin Dewi. Bisa dipakai dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki!

4. Beli yang dibutuhkan

Iya nih, kamu juga sering nggak sih, merasa perlu membeli suatu produk skincare yang lagi hype atau rame dipakai influencers? Dibanding beli yang emang perlu, kita suka merasa perlu beli yang nggak dibutuhin. 

Makanya perlu benar-benar paham, apa sih, sebenarnya kebutuhan kulit kamu. Dan sebelum beli apa-apa, sebaiknya bikin list dulu biar nggak lapar mata hahaha.

5. Riset sebelum membeli

Selain juga membuat daftar yang akan kamu beli, sebaiknya ketika melirik sebuah skincare idaman, kamu juga perlu riset dulu mulai dari bahan sampai reviewnya. Ini sangat penting meskipun kamu membeli ukuran share in jar sekalipun. Siapa sih, yang mau rugi beli skincare?

6. Rajin pantau promo
Cara lain agar hemat budget skincare adalah rajin-rajin memantau promo. Kumpulin voucher dan segala hal yang bisa makin menghemat pengeluaran kamu. Jadi, pengeluaran skincare bisa lebih enteng.