Right, From The Start



Right, From The Start


Cleanse – Tone – Moisturize. 

This three step beauty routine is now considered an open secret but like every secret there is more than meets the eye.  Although it may seem simple (and it is, once you get it right), the goal of clear and well balanced skin continues to evade many.

To understand what makes this method the gold standard of skincare and how we can tailor it to work for our individual skin type, it’s important to go back to the basics. 

Know your Skin

Besides being the largest organ, our skin is the first line of defense against outside elements.   Every day it is fighting a battle to protect us. Spending time outdoors means exposure to the harsh sun rays, pollution, dust and germs.  Being indoors in a cool air conditioned room comes with its own set of problems.  The air condition lowers the humidity levels which in turn dries off your skin and makes it crave for moisture.  However, if we are mindful about how we care for our skin we can do our bit to give our skin a fighting chance!

Why Cleanse?

As we go about our day, our skin comes in contact with germs, dust, and grime.  This leaves a layer of dust that will make any other skin care product we use ineffective.  It will also result in our skin looking dull and tired.

Another important reason why cleansing is crucial is sebum.  Sebum is essentially the natural oil that our cells produce and secrete through our skin.  The sebum helps to lock in moisture and maintain a balance pH level.  It also gives our skin the protection it needs but at the same time too much sebum production can clog our pores and lead to breakouts. 

I have seen drastic improvement in skin conditions just by changing their cleansing habit, or cleansing products. I always advise everyone, not to underestimate the power of correct cleansing, with the right product.

When to cleanse?

Ideally you should cleanse your face twice a day – Once in the morning and once at night before sleeping.

Yes, you should cleanse it at night even if you have been indoors all day.

Yes, you cannot miss the morning cleanse just because you have done it at night. 

In addition to the timing, the type of cleanser you choose also plays a crucial role in helping you achieve a balanced skin.  It’s important to use or create a cleanser that is PH balanced.  The ideal pH level for the face is around 5 which is slightly acidic. And remember, over washing can cause dry and irritated skin which ends up disrupting normal sebum production.

How to Cleanse?

There are several alternatives to cleanse your skin.  Some of them you can create on your own.  Making your own skin care is such an empowering process.  By being aware of your skin type and carefully selecting the ingredients that will nourish your skin, you are taking part in an enriching experience and your skin will thank you for it.

Some of the different types of gentle cleansing you can experiment with include:

-              Oil Cleansing Method

-              Cleansing grains

-              Oleogel

-              Cleansing Milk

My personal routine

Personally, I avoid using traditional face cleansers that contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate).  It is a harsh cleanser that strips the skin of precious sebum that actually serves as a protective barrier and retains moisture. 

My personal choice is a cleansing milk that contains no surfactants.  Surfactant is a common ingredient in many cleansers.  It draws oil from the skin and gets rinsed off with water.  Excess oil can clog pores but surfactants normally take away more than just the excess.  

I start and end my day with a personal formulation for my sensitive skin.


I encourage all of you to take the time to create beautiful natural blends that will meet the needs of your skin.  Watch this space for our upcoming posts where I will be sharing some recipes and tips that you can incorporate in your beauty regime.