Can Anxiety and Depression Caused by Lack of Body Detox?

It is true that nutritional intake can affect mental health. So far, body detoxes, which everyone is not so common with, also have unfair benefits on mental health, especially those related to clinical disorders such as ADHD, bipolar disorder, anxiety, and depression.

We are frequently exposed to many types of toxins and pathogens. Like heavy metal, then viruses and bacteria. However, the residue of these toxins can apparently settle in the body and even in the brain. The pathogens produce residues that settle in the liver and other organs.

Without a driving force, these toxins and pathogens cannot escape on their own. For this reason, body detox is needed as a booster for these toxins to get out of the body.

However, what's special is that body detox doesn't just cleanse, it also:

  1. To treat the root symptoms, diseases, and body conditions that are less than optimal.
  2. Strengthen immunity
  3. Not only physical cleansing, but also soul-healing because it cleans toxins from your mind as well. Which means, making us feel better mentally and spiritually. Then, what are the do's and don'ts during a body detox?

First, what you need to do during a body detox:

  1. Stay hydrated
  2. Consume organic fruit and vegetables
  3. Maintain the emotional balance
  4. Move your body!
  5. Rest well
  6. Be kind to yourself
  7. Enjoy the proocess!

Second, what should be avoided during a body detox are:

  • Additives, perfume, chemicals
  • Salt and flavor
  • Chocolate
  • Alcohol
  • Vinegar
  • Egg
  • Dairy products
  • Gluten
  • Grains
  • Meats
  • Seafood
  • Soy sauce
  • Corn
  • Electrolyte
  • Probiotics
  • Natural and artificial flavors
  • Preservative
  • Fermented food
  • All kinds of artificial sweeteners

During this detoxification process, you may experience mood swings or various uncomfortable feelings. That's okay, the uncomfortable process will only last 4 days. After that, you will feel fine. Enjoy the process because it will also strengthen your immunity in the future.

detox do


Kecemasan dan Depresi Disebabkan Kurangnya Body Detox?

Ternyata benar bahwa asupan nutrisi bisa mempengaruhi kesehatan mental. Body detox yang selama ini semua orang tidak begitu awam ternyata juga menyimpan manfaat tak main-main terhadap kesehatan mental, terutama yang berkaitan dengan gangguan klinis seperti ADHD, gangguan bipolar, kecemasan, dan depresi. 


Kita sering sekali terpapar berbagai jenis toksin dan patogen. Seperti zat metal yang berat, lalu virus dan bakteri. Tapi, residu dari toksin-toksin tersebut rupanya dapat mengendap di tubuh dan bahkan di dalam otak. Patogen menghasilkan residu yang mengendap di liver/hati dan organ-organ lain.


Tanpa ada pendorongnya, toksin dan patogen tersebut tidak dapat keluar dengan sendirinya. Karena itulah, body detox dibutuhkan sebagai pendorong racun-raun tersebut agar dapat keluar dari tubuh. 


Namun, istimewanya adalah body detox tidak cuma membersihkan, tapi juga:

-Menangani langsung akar gejala, penyakit, dan kondisi tubuh yang kurang maksimal.

-Memperkuat imun

-Tidak cuma membersihkan secara fisik, tapi juga soul-healing karena membersihkan toksin dari otak juga. Yang artinya, membuat kita merasa lebih baik secara mental dan spiritual.


Lalu, apa saja yang boleh dan tidak boleh dilakukan selama body detox?


Pertama, yang perlu kamu lakukan selama body detox:

-Stay hydrated

-Consume organic fruit and vegetables

-Maintain the emotional balance

-Move your body!

-Rest well

-Be kind to yourself

-Enjoy the proocess!


Kedua, yang harus dihindari selama body detox adalah:

-Bahan aditif, parfum, chemicals 

-Garam dan penyedap rasa





-Dairy products









-Penyedap rasa alami maupun buatan


-Makanan fermentasi

-Segala macam pemanis buatan


Selama proses detoksifikasi ini, kamu bisa saja mengalami mood swings atau berbagai perasaan yang kurang nyaman. Tidak apa-apa, proses yang tidak nyaman tersebut hanyaakan berlangsung selama 4 hari. Setelahnya, kamu akan merasa baik-baik saja. Nikmati prosesnya karena nantinya juga akan memperkuat imun kamu di kemudian hari.